In Spring Semester 2023, my English 002 students developed their research papers on sixties topics. We read the play M. Butterfly and wrote about Vietnam, the Kennedy Assassination, Women's Rights. You can see a few of their defintion paragraphs published in our Summer of Love Research Definition Dictionary (look to the right-hand sidebar.) This worked! Their definitions took their readers back to an important era in our nation's history. In researching the past, we all developed a better understanding for the present.
With this in mind, I asked students to complete their semester learning with more of the same definition skills and writing strategies we covered over the semester. But this time, IT WAS GOING TO BE PERSONAL. Instead of searching the campus databases, I asked my students to look inwards - into their own lives for important meaning. They defined TRUE LOVE, ANXIETY, FEMINISM, ETIQUETTE, GANGSTAH RAP. I started the ball rolling by defining my running shoes in my closet. To me they are more than just articles of clothing. I explained what they meant to me on both physical and emotional levels. Below, I modelled my brainstorming strategies for finding the best topic for my essay.
Jay's Tips:
- I would make an effort to describe the running shoe in specific detail. Explain its design. Compare its characteristics with other athletic shoes.
- I could write about process: What I do to prepare for a 10-20 mile run. How I depend on my shoes. Or, what I go through to find the right shoe for me.
- I think it would be cool to research the history of running shoes in this country.
- I would also share a personal anecdote - Do I have a story I can share that involves my shoes. YES I DO!
- After I define my running shoes, I think I would explain how they set me "FREE." Get it? Free Runs - I can write about spiritual meaning – I can describe what I feel like when I don’t have my shoes with me.
- This is going to be fun.
We spent the final weeks of the semester researching our topics the best way we saw fit. OK, many of us did make use of the campus databases. The assignment called for synthesizing the materials, knowledge, and insights into a well-written and insightful definition essay. MLA documentation would be critical to success in the class. I'm happy we were able to pursue alternative reseach methods to define our ideas. We watched movies and Youtube videos about our topics. We talked to our friends and family about what we were writing. We read essays, stories, poems, and books that would help us form our defintions. Several of the students in the class shared song lyrics to help their readers reach a better understanding of their defintions.
Angie Pejovic struggled choosing between "folk music" and "feminism" - both important elements of her life. In writng about Joni Mitchell, she was able to cover BOTH. It was rewarding for me to see the engagement of students in our Zoom breakout sessions. It was like everyone had something to say about their essays. I mean, they followed their own passions and interests. Talking about PASSION, did you know how ambitious and competitive Joni could be? Once when a Rolling Stone reporter told her she was his favorite "female" folk singer, she had this to say about it: ”Why am I not regarded as one of your Favorite Singers period?" ?" She doesn’t like that talk about gender at all. The sixties were a time of change. This theme dominates our classroom discussions and our writing. We talk and write a lot about Social Justice. Angie's essay details the struggles for respect women faced in sixties. She explains that fifty years later we still have a long way to go before we achieve ture. equality. Joni would be proud to read this paper. To read Angie's complete essay, please click here: Folk Music
Anthony Kitigawa chose to define "etiquette." He's an ex-marine who has come back to school to earn an advanced degree. In the Corps he learned to live his life by a set of rules. In Zoom breakout discussions, he may have found that others in the class, younger than him, may not share the same values he does. Etiquette, quite possibly, has become a lost art in our society, but Anthony sees his code as a religion. In his essay, he shares an anecdote from his marine training days in Athens, GA. This is where he learned all about Southern Hospitality. Anthony writes of the courtesy and respect the Georgians showed for him, a complete stranger. He decided right then and there that's how he wanted to treat people in his life. Yes, Ma'am. No, Sir. Holding doors for ladies. Offering to help his classmates. Acording to Anthony, "these customs encourage people to show respect and kindness to one another, which promotes a sense of community and fosters positive relationships." To read Anthony's complete essay, please click here: Etiquette
- Our Writing Goal: To write a multi-paragraph essay that develops the meaning of a term/idea.
- * To Create a unified essay with a clear-cut definition and thesis statement in your introductioConsider the writing we will discuss in my online lessons (synonyms, negation, enumeration, analogy
Jay's Tips to Get Started:
Start on the Jamboard
- Share at least THREE definition ideas on the Jamboard - Use EXTRA STICKIES if you need to.
- Be positive - Be brief - Be personal
- NAME the term/idea to be defined at the top of your sticky - in CAPTIALS
- Remind readers/viewers why you have chosen this term. I mean what is it about this idea that will be so interesting. What's your angle? Do you have a JUICY anecdote?
- Don't forget to sign your name at the bottom of the sticky.
- Your submission should include ONE image. - Arrange your images and stickies in a straight line.
Wow! I’m so glad we were able to share our own passions, needs, and interests. I feel this assignment helped us to better know each other in our online isolation. The semester would be a drag to not connect with classmates.